Category Archives: Tourism

My Oriental Experience

Hey everyone hope you doing well 😉

Over the past couple of months, I have done a course in Chinese language and culture. I’m done with my 1st semester and one thing that has fascinated me since i started the course is how rich and diverse the culture is.



I just cannot have enough of the mythical stories behind the many festivals. The story I enjoyed the most was the Legend of the moon cake-The Mid Autumn Festival. I think their food the food architecture and the scenery is amazing and I am just blown away. And no I have not set foot in China yet.  I am hoping to do that soon or better yet I am going to do that soon.


I along with my classmates got the opportunity to celebrate the spring festival Chinese New Year in February where i ate dumplings and more dumplings…  😉 .That’s the preferred meal during the Spring festival.

I am an African from Kenya, where we have a culture that is equally rich and diverse but I have to say I love CHINA 😉

I like the way the culture is somehow in tune with nature, the zodiac signs with the 12 animals. During the entire course I could not stop thinking about two animals that were mentioned i.e. the Tiger King of the animals and Giant Panda– a national treasure in China. These are the equivalent of Kenya’s Big Five animals. They stood out because in the world today Tigers and Pandas are endangered animals.

According to the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND, Wild tiger numbers are at an all-time low. We have lost 97% of wild tigers in just over a century. Tigers may be one of the most revered animals, but they are also vulnerable to extinction. As few as 3,200 exist in the wild today


Panda even with their relative lack of natural predators are endangered. Severe threats from humans have left fewer than 1,600 pandas in the wild.Panda-mother-baby

I think these are amazing animals that need our protection fo the sake of future generations.

Cheers To A New Kenya-Transformation is upon us

Yesterday (9/4/12013) Kenya inaugurated  its 4th President His  Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and His Deputy President His Excellency William Samoei Ruto.








I am proud to be Kenya,  and I believe  yesterday (9/4/2013)  marked the dawn of a new day for my country Kenya.

We had a free, fair and peaceful election by all means contrary to what critics expected. As always there were aggrieved parties who had their day in court. However, this did not stop the country from celebrating the victory against cheap tribal and divisive politics. One could argue that the election left the country divided but I will quote our Deputy Presidents words ” … very  soon you will not notice the difference between those who voted for the JUBILEE team and those who voted for CORD… ” I believe that the new leaders are a vibrant and forward thinking lot that will transform the country.

“Yes I Believe.”

The possibilities for Kenya are endless.

Kenya is an amazing country with a culture that is rich and diverse, beautiful landscapes and scenery as well as an abundance of wildlife.

I like the way Kenyans have come to appreciate the  value of peace and stability .  Long gone are the days when politicians called for mass action to solve political differences. It is now clear in our minds that no one should use our ethnic diversity to divide us.

I am proud of Kenyans for maintaining peace and saying no to politicians who play us like marionettes on a stage.


“Yes ! Lets keep ignoring the politicians and their incitement  because at the end of the day everyone has their own goals, challenges and issues  to deal with.”

We have come so far as a country and the road ahead is longer, our unity is paramount to our success. Kenya has been able to pick herself  up from the ashes of 2007-8 and  I believe the possibilities for Kenya’s success are endless and this is evident by the emergence of a crop of new Kenyans who are aware of the constitution are yearning for a change in Kenya.

I am calling out to every Kenyan to raise a glass, cup, mug or whatever you drinking high up and make a toast to a new Kenya a better Kenya.



Paying Forward the Joy of Blogger Award Nomination

Im honouredfor the Liebster award  nomination by  Meg – Take it from Meg. I must say it feels great to get appreciated for your efforts. Thank you Meg.

The rules for the Liebster award are as follows

 Be nominated for the award by a fantastically brilliant wordsmith.
 Answer the 11 questions posed to you by said brilliant wordsmith.
 Ask 11 of your own questions to 11 other brilliant nominees of your choosing.

  • What would you like to be acknowledged for? Honestly I would like to get acknowledged for trying to make the world a better place. Even though I take an environmental conservation angle I believe we have to take care of the resources we have for our kids and their kids.
  • What three things does the world need most, right now?I think the world needs more love, perseverance and hope that its going to be ok.
  • Who is someone in your life whom you feel doesn’t understand how much you love and appreciate them? What would you like to tell them? I think everyone in my life knows how much i love them 🙂
  • Honesty is always the best policy, no matter what. True or false? Why? True because I think one way or another the truth does come out so I think honesty is the best policy even though it’s not always easy to say the truth.
  • Name one woman and one man, people whom you have never met, with whom you would like to spend one day. What would you say/do/ask? My late grandfather, my dad’s dad. I never got the chance to meet him so i would probably like to just have a walk with him or get to know him a bit even though its  impossible. in this lifetime
  • What are three things on your bucket list? Deep sea diving with the sharks I love them , I would like to own classic car model preferably the 1967 Ford Mustang  🙂 I love classics, the third thing on my bucket list is travel the world  to as many countries as possible I just have to see more of what’s out there ;).
  • With whom might you like to trade places for a week? Mart Wright Outback wrangler. I like what he does .
  • What is love? it’s seeing a reflection of yourself in others and wanting the best for the person you’re looking at.
  • What is truth? Truth to me is honesty from the bottom of your heart.
  • What does a world that works look like to you? A world where your effort determines how far you go and a world that has a lot of  love, hope and perseverance for a better tomorrow.
  • What is one habit you would like to kick? What stops you from kicking it? I sometimes over analyze situations I find myself  in and I end up missing the point of the experience,  i cant kick the habit because it helps me sometimes read though the lines or understand stuff better 🙂

My 11 questions are

  • What makes you wake up every morning?
  • What is the 1 thing you find amazing in you life?
  • What is the impact of poaching on the world’s wildlife population?
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • When was the last time you took sometime off  your busy day to give thanks you are alive?
  • Where’s the most amazing place you have travelled to?
  • What is your  favourite animal, if any?
  • What is the one meal you can never have enough of ?
  • what is you favourite sport?
  • What is the one movie you have watched so many times you know the script by heart?
  • Where is Kenya?

And there are my 11 questions to my nominees

Nominees are


wolfgangthome’s Blog

Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY~ art and practice

A Leaf in Springtime

Ralphie’s portal